Today’s service is led by the Revd Andy Braunston
Call to Worship
Hymn This Joyful Eastertide
George Ratcliffe Woodward 1894 sung by Josh Turner on his YouTube Channel.
This joyful Eastertide
away with sin and sorrow!
My love, the Crucified,
has sprung to life this morrow.
Had Christ, that once was slain,
not burst his three-day prison,
our faith had been in vain:
but now hath Christ arisen,
arisen, arisen; arisen!
My flesh in hope shall rest
and for a season slumber
till trump from east to west
shall wake the dead in number.
Death’s flood has lost its chill
since Jesus crossed the river.
Lover of souls, from ill
my passing soul deliver.
Prayers of Approach, Confession and Pardon
O Most High,
in You we take refuge, in You we find peace, in You we find security.
When our world seems complex and confusing, painful and pitiful,
dangerous and disturbing,
we find in You comfort and strength.
Jesus, Embodied Word,
You understand the pain of this world;
through Your death you defeated the powers
that seek to ensnare and hold us captive.
You show us how to be free, and how to use our freedom wisely.
Eternal Flame of God’s love,
You quicken our hearts, remind us of the joy that is within us,
and show us where we need to experience resurrection.
You show us where our hearts are hard,
our minds resistant to your Word,
and where our attitudes betray our calling.
Give us time, Gentle One, to change,
time to put right all that is wrong,
time to turn around again and find You running towards us,
arms outstretched, ready to hug and envelop us in love. Amen.
Friends, here is good news,
the Most High, the Source of all mercy has,
through the death and new life of Jesus, the Enfleshed Word,
sent the Flame of Divine Love amongst us that we might be free.
Through the ministry of the Church,
may you find freedom and peace, reconciliation and renewal,
that, at the end, you may rise with Christ
and be happy with Him forever. Amen.
Prayer of Illumination
Fix our gaze on you, O Most High,
that we may see Your glory, in our world, in our lives
and in Your coming Kingdom,
and as we listen to Your Word, read and proclaimed,
give us ears to hear and hearts to respond,
that we may change our world and be changed ourselves. Amen.
Reading Acts 7:55 – 60
But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. “Look,” he said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” But they covered their ears, and with a loud shout all rushed together against him. Then they dragged him out of the city and began to stone him; and the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. While they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he died.
Hymn Psalm 31
Words and Music © 2002 Jay Wilkey sung and played by Jennifer Greene, Director of Music Ministries Newport Presbyterian Church, Belview, Washington, USA and used with their kind permission.
Reading 1 Peter 2: 2 -10
Like new-born infants, long for the pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow into salvation-if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in scripture: “See, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious; and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” To you then who believe, he is precious; but for those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the very head of the corner,” and “A stone that makes them stumble, and a rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Hymn Jesus Is Risen Alleluia
Bernard Kyamanywa translated John Bell sung by Gareth Moore of the Isle of Man Methodist Church and used with their kind permission.
Jesus is risen, alleluia!
Worship and praise him, alleluia!
Now our redeemer
bursts from the grave;
lost to the tomb,
Christ rises to save.
Come, let us worship him,
endlessly sing;
Christ is alive
and death loses its sting.
Sins are forgiven, alleluia!
Jesus is risen, alleluia!
Buried for three days,
destined for death,
now he returns
to breathe with our breath.
Blest are the ears
alert to his voice,
blest are the hearts
which for him rejoice.
‘Don’t be afraid!’
the angel had said,
‘Why seek the living
here with the dead?
Look, where he lay,
his body is gone,
risen and vibrant,
warm with the sun.’
‘Go and tell others,
Christ is alive.’
Love is eternal,
faith and hope thrive.
What God intended,
Jesus fulfilled;
what God conceives
can never be killed.
Christ has arisen!
Now all can see
how humankind
is meant to be free.
though powers of darkness
threaten their worst,
through every barrier
Jesus has burst.
Let heaven echo, let the earth sing:
Jesus is saviour of everything.
All those who trust him, Christ will receive;
therefore rejoice, obey and believe!
We don’t need to be articulate, learned, mugged up on all the current intellectual trends; instead just to be able to say what the difference that faith makes to us. It’s different for each of us.
Whatever it is for you – find the strength to gently tell others, to bear witness this Eastertime and all through the year. Let’s pray together:
Risen Lord Jesus,
You call us to tell others of Your life and love,
of the mighty works You’ve done,
and the gentle calm You offer.
Give us the faith and fortitude,
to follow Your call
and bear witness to You
in our lives and loves. Amen
Hymn The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done
Latin, 17th Century, translated by Francis Pott (1832-1909)
Sung by the Episcopal Church Virtual Choir and Orchestra
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Affirmation of Faith
You, Most High, offer us refuge;
You deliver us and never put us to shame.
You are, to us, a strong fortress and a secure rock.
You, Jesus, offer us security but You don’t promise safety.
To follow You is to risk all.
As the martyrs of old found,
to bear witness to You has its dangers.
As today’s martyrs know,
to proclaim Your marvellous deeds
disturbs the powers that seek to rule our world.
Yet, we believe You are, to us, a strong fortress and a secure rock.
Be gracious to us, Eternal Flame of Love,
when life is hard, when enemies prowl, when people laugh at us.
Let lying lips be stilled,
let the haughty be humbled,
and those who wait on You be delivered. For,
You are, to us, a strong fortress and a secure rock.
Eternal One,
Your glory fills the earth, and in these joyful days of Easter,
we bring our praises and prayers to you.
We rejoice in the new life around us;
flowers in bloom, crops growing in fields,
lambs skipping, running and playing with in their flocks,
calves running joyfully with playmates in their herds,
birds renewing their love through song, flight, and nurture of chicks.
Trees in leaf, reaching their branches up in praise of You.
In Jesus You have reconciled all things to Yourself,
renewed creation with Your glory,
and given us the awesome responsibility
to live in harmony with all creation.
Help us to fulfil Your call to us.
Risen Lord Jesus, on the Cross, and in the tomb,
You defeated the powers of death and evil,
rising to new life, vanquishing even death.
You showed that love can defeat violence,
unjust power can be usurped, and evil can be resisted.
You call us to follow You,
bearing witness to Your love and life,
telling and showing how You want us to live.
We pray today for those who lead and seek to lead our nations,
that they may resist evil,
turn away from policies which seek to divide or promote injustice,
and which ignore the poor, the hungry, the homeless
and the destitute at our gates.
Flame of Love, Eternal Spirit,
You are at work in creation and culture,
causing us to see the divine glory in the most unexpected places.
You call us, again and again, to turn back to You
and away from the ways of hatred, war, and chaos that we prefer.
Bless those who work for peace this day.
Give strength to those on the move this day
fleeing from war, poverty, famine and persecution.
Give wisdom to Your persecuted Church
meeting in fear and secrecy this day;
prayer groups in Iran and Saudi Arabia,
underground congregations in China and North Korea,
and all believers who are persecuted for declaring Your love and life.
O Triune One,
we pray this day for the nations which make up the United Kingdom.
Eternal God, You order and govern our world and all that is therein,
bless, we pray, Charles and Camilla
as they celebrate coronation and anointment,
that amid the pomp and ritual,
they may feel your loving presence,
that they may fulfil the roles prescribed for them,
and that we may, in this kingdom, be better governed,
and always reminded of your eternal Kingdom which is to come.
Accept, O Three in One, all our prayers which we offer,
and, in Your time, make our world whole,
until then, we join with Jesus as we pray:
Our Father…
Week after week we give. We give of our time, our talents and our treasure. We give because it’s part of our faith. We give to support the work of God in the Church and in the world. Giving is one way in which we bear witness, it’s putting our money where our mouths are. We give to charities and church, in plate and envelope, direct to the bank and in one off donations. To be a Christian is to give; giving from our poverty and our plenty in order to work for the Kingdom’s coming. Let’s pray:
Giver of all that is good, we return to You some of what You’ve given us.
Bless our generosity even when it’s grudgingly given,
that through our lives and gifts, Your kingdom will come. Amen
Hymn Come Ye Faithful Raise the Strain
St John of Damascus translated by J M Neale Sung by Chris Brunelle
and used with his kind permission.
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
of triumphant gladness!
God has brought his Israel
into joy from sadness,
loosed from Pharaoh’s bitter yoke
Jacob’s sons and daughters,
led them with unmoistened foot
through the Red Sea waters.
‘Tis the spring of souls today;
Christ has burst his prison,
and from three days’ sleep in death
as a sun has risen;
all the winter of our sins,
long and dark, is flying
from his light, to whom we give
laud and praise undying.
Now the queen of seasons,
bright with the day of splendour,
with the royal feast of feasts,
comes its joy to render;
comes to gladden faithful hearts
whom with true affection
welcome in unwearied strains
Jesus’ resurrection!
Holy Communion
We have shared bread and wine many times in our lives,
in many places, for many different reasons.
The bread that we now break and the wine that we now share,
are a sharing in the life of Christ.
May our acceptance of it today be a sign of our faith:
• in the ongoing goodness of a God who journeys with us
• in the power of love to remove any barrier within or between us
• in the mystery of the call given to each of us
to make bread, and life, and beauty, available to all
For it is the bread of heaven, the bread of the poor and the bread of our own lives. And we pray that we may recognise You O Risen Lord Jesus:
• every time we join someone on a journey
• every time we share a meal
• every time we take bread in our hands
And may this recognition of You
call forth such joy in us that we might never lose sight of Your goodness.
We pray, Fire of Love,
that You will come upon these gifts of bread and wine
which Mother Earth has given and human hands have made,
so that they might be, for us,
the Body and Blood of Jesus, our saviour and brother:
who, before dying, took some bread,
said the blessing, broke it, gave it to the others and said,
“Take this all of you and eat it.
This is my body which will be broken for you,
do this and make me real in your lives.”
Later on Jesus took a cup filled with wine,
said the blessing, gave it to the others and said:
“Take this all of you and drink from it,
for this is the cup of my blood,
the blood of the new and everlasting promise of God
which shall be shed for you and for all,
do this and make me real in your lives.”
Let us allow Jesus now to become real for us as we say together the central mystery of our faith…
Christ has died! Christ is Risen! Christ will come again!
Eternal Majesty,
we pray that this bread and wine will inspire such love in our hearts
that we may continually keep alive Your memory and promise.
May this meal provoke such a longing for truth in us
that we may never be satisfied
until the whole Earth experiences Your justice and Your peace. Amen
So let us eat and drink as Jesus taught,
inviting the stranger to our table, and welcoming the poor.
May their absence here serve to remind us
of the divisions this meal seeks to heal.
May their presence here truly transform us
into being the Body of Christ which we share.
Let us share this bread and wine as Jesus taught,
knowing that our lives are forever changed
by this and every breaking of bread and sharing of wine.
To prepare ourselves to meet the Lord in Holy Communion
let us sing the Lamb of God.
The Lamb of God
from the Mass of Wonder by Matthew Willcott
sung by the Sunday 7pm Choir of St. Francis de Sales Church in Ajax, Ontario, Canada and used with their kind permission
Lamb of God, You take away,
the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You take away,
the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You take away,
the sins of the world, grant us peace.
Music for Communion Gifts of Bread and Wine
Christine McCann © Kevin Mayhew Ltd. Sung by Emmaus Music, Woking UK, and used with their kind permission.
Post Communion Prayer
O God,
you have chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty;
shed forth continual day upon us who watch for You,
that our lips may praise You, our lives may bless You,
and our meditations glorify You, now and forever, Amen
Hymn They Crucified My Saviour and Nailed Him to the Cross
African-American Spiritual © 1989 United Methodist Publishing. Sung by the choir of St Matthew’s Church of South India, Porur
He rose He rose He rose from the dead…
and the Lord shall bear my spirit home
May God, Eternal Majesty,
give You joy and hope in these Eastertide days.
May God, Enfleshed Word,
give You grace to bear witness to light and love
which vanquishes evil.
May God, Flame of Love,
inspire You to follow despite all the difficulties which get in the way.
And may the blessing of Almighty God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
be with you all,
those you love
and those you struggle to love,
now and always. Amen.
This material is only for use in local churches not for posting to websites or any other use. Local churches must have copyright licences to allow the printing and projection of words for hymns.