From Merton Voluntary Service Council:- In partnership with Merton Council and a range of key partners, we were able to launch the Merton COVID-19 Community Response Hub on Monday 23 March. This has been working well over the last week, considering so little time to set it up – with over 100 residents seeking help, 94 …

From Derek Estill and Nigel Uden, Moderators of the General Assembly Amid this Covid-19 shaped world, we greet you in the name of God – by whose grace we were created, by whose mercy and love we are sustained, by whose love we will be held forever. Even as we are moderators of the General …

The United Reformed Church is encouraging members to join Christians around the world in saying the Lord’s Prayer at 11am* on Wednesday 25 March. The move comes in response to an invitation from Pope Francis sent to all Christian leaders in which he asks that we invoke “together the graces from heaven” and ask “for …

With children and parents facing what could be months at home, children across the country are placing rainbows in the windows of their houses to help keep others entertained and ‘to brighten the community’ during the coronavirus outbreak. Thousands of households across the UK have been taking part. The youngsters have been asked to colour in templates …

While we have had to suspend our worship services at Trinity owing following government advice, we are actively seeking ways to keep in touch with everyone.  If you have any suggestions on how we can best do this we’d love to hear from you! Just email Sam or Catherine on or give us a call. …

Not official advice but this, from the Bishop of St Albans, is food-for-thought about our attitudes. Golden Rule One. Each one of us can think about how we can protect and support our neighbours. So much of the public rhetoric is sowing fear about the danger of other people. So, taking all the  official precautions,  offer help and reassurance to …