Alzheimer’s Research UK is one of the charities supported by our Gift Day this year
To: Everyone at Trinity United Reformed Church Wimbledon
I’m writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for helping to raise £500.00 for Alzheimer’s Research UK.
Your efforts have led to vital funding. Which means that you’re now helping our scientists to discover more about this devastating condition and bringing us closer to discovering a life-changing dementia treatment.
That’s something very special, so thank you for being a part of what we do…..
Please pass on our thanks to everyone who has played a part in your fundraising. Also, please don’t forget to tell your friends, family and colleagues about your achievement if you have the time!
Should you wish to find out more about the research that you are making possible then our website, contains all of our latest information and news. There, you’ll read about everything from our research to our campaigning work, but please know that everything we do can only happen because of people like you.
So, thanks again to you and your fellow fundraisers, Trinity United Reformed Church Wimbledon. Your support is so important to us and to our scientists. You are bringing us closer to the breakthroughs in dementia research that will change countless lives.
Lucy Squance
Director of Supporter-led Fundraising