The Elders

Joint Church Secretaries


Trinity’s Eldership

Overall Aims and Purpose

The office of Elder is one of vital importance in the United Reformed Church.  Elders are the trusted and honoured representatives of their fellow church members, and are partners of the Minister in the leadership and pastoral care of the congregation.  They also share with the Minister in the wider Councils of the Church.  Being an elder means a commitment of time, energy and a sharing and giving of self.  Some are gifted in one way, others in another.  The elders are members of a team.  The team’s strength depends on its unity.

“They’ve asked me to be an Elder, free download from URC website.


Elders at Trinity are regarded as maintaining this important ministry, irrespective of whether they are currently serving on Elders’ Council.

The whole Eldership at Trinity embodies the church’s continuity of wisdom and witness in Christian discipleship.  Each Elder is normally entrusted with a ‘district’ of Trinity congregants for whom to be diligent in providing pastoral care, and expected to participate in:

  •  the meeting for all Elders which precedes the monthly morning Communion service;
  •  an annual Elders Conference;
  •  Church Meetings;
  •  such Sunday duties as may be allocated (Vestry, Communion, Door, Welcoming etc);
  •  regular worship on Sundays and festivals, and regular private devotions;
  •  encouraging others also to attend and participate in worship, Church Meetings etc.


Elders’ Council

Overall aims and purpose

The Elders’ Council exists to serve Trinity URC through strategic leadership and oversight.  It develops policies consonant with Trinity’s agreed Pastorate Priorities, and is responsible for the implementation of such policies directly or through Teams as appropriate.

As Trustees of the Trinity United Reformed Church (Wimbledon) Charity, the members of the Elders’ Council are responsible for Trinity’s pursuit of its charitable objects, its compliance with all appropriate legislation, and its adherence to principles of good practice.

The Elders’ Council takes its place among the Councils of the United Reformed Church.  Acting directly and through Teams, it is responsible for the discharge of the twelve Functions of the Elders’ Meeting specified in the United Reformed Church Manual.