The URC Statement of Faith

The URC Statement of Faith

Dear Friends,

I hope you found our whistle stop tour through the David material in the Old Testament useful.  Janet Tollington has an amazing grasp of the story and is able to make links with our own journeys through life; of course the complexity of David’s character mean we’re never sure if he’s a hero or a villain and means we’re drawn to his story again and again.

From time to time we wander a little from looking at a Biblical book or theme and, for the next few weeks, we are going to look at the URC Statement of Faith.   Many of our members don’t realise we have such a statement as we often don’t use any affirmation of faith in worship and, when we do, don’t always use the URC one.  Of course we use the longer, Statement on the Nature, Faith and Order of the United Reformed Church at ordinations and inductions of Elders and Ministers and at the Commissioning and Induction of Church Related Community Workers.  A Statement of Faith was included in the 1972 Basis of Union and, in 1997, General Assembly adopted an alternative version alongside the original.  It is this alternative version which we will be reading through together as a simple summary of what we believe. 

I am, as ever, grateful to the Rev’d Dr Susan Durber for devising these studies and for leading us through the Statement of Faith as we deepen our understanding of what we believe.  

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Co-ordinator, Daily Devotions from the URC


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