Sunday 3 March
10:30 Elders’ Meeting
11:00 Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Theme: “Revealed in Transformation”. Bible Reading: Luke 9.28-43a
14:00 Merton Winter Night Shelter at Trinity
Monday 4 March
Tuesday 5 March
Wednesday 6 March – Ash Wednesday
12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus
14:30 Wednesday Social Group
20:00 Joint Service including Holy Communion with St Mark’s church congregation at Trinity
Thursday 7 March
19:30 Prayer Group
Friday 8 March
10:00 Trinity Toddlers
19:30 Film Club
20:00 Friday Fellowship
20:00 Choir Practice
Saturday 9 March
Sunday 10 March – first Sunday in Lent
11:00 Morning Worship in the Old Hall
Theme: “Giving Up”. Bible Reading: Luke 4:1-13
14:00 Merton Winter Night Shelter at Trinity