This week at Trinity

Sunday 9 June  –  Pentecost
09:30     Choir practice
11:00     Morning worship led by Revd Nicola Furley-Smith, Moderator of URC Southern Synod
Bible Readings:  Acts 2.1-21; John 14.8-17

Monday 10 June

Tuesday 11 June
19:30      Lectio Divina at the Manse

Wednesday 12 June
20:00      Church & Society

Thursday 13 June
10:30      Lettings Team
19:30      Prayer Group

Friday 14 June
10:00      Trinity Toddlers
20:00      Friday Fellowship

Saturday 15 June
16:00      Pilots

Sunday 16 June – Trinity Sunday
11:00      Morning Worship with Confirmation & Reception into Church Membership
Bible Readings:  2 Timothy 1.1-14 & Matthew 28. 16-20
12:30      Church Family BBQ