This week at Trinity

Sunday 7 July
10:30      Elders’ Meeting
11:00      Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Theme:  ‘Emissaries of God’s Kingdom’; Bible Reading: Luke 10.1-11, 16-20

Monday 8 July
10:45       Christmas Tree Festival  planning meeting

Tuesday 9 July
 19:30        Pastoral Team
20:00         Mission & Outreach Team

Wednesday 10 July
12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus
20:00         Church & Society

Thursday 11 July
20:00         Finance Team

Friday 12 July
10:00         Trinity Toddlers
20:00         Friday Fellowship

Saturday 13 July

Sunday 14 July
11:00        Morning Worship led by Mark Dennis
Theme: A Confident Hope.  Bible reading: Psalm 25:1-22
16:30        Messy Church: Theme: ‘Kindness’