This week at Trinity

Sunday 19 January
11:00      Morning Worship
Title:  “Come & See”.  Bible reading:  John 1. 29-42 and Isaiah 49.1-6

Monday 20 January 

Tuesday 21 January

Wednesday 22 January
12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus

Thursday 23 January
20:00      Finance Team

Friday 24 January
10:00      Trinity Toddlers
20:00      Friday Fellowship
20:00      Choir practice

Saturday 25 January

Sunday 26 January 
11:00     Morning Worship led by Mark Dennis
Theme:  Psalm 27.1-14 “A confident affirmation & a prayer for help”
Bible readings:  Psalm 27.1-14 and Matthew 4.12-23
14:00     Merton Winter Night Shelter at Trinity