Sunday 10 April
09:30 Bible with Breakfast
09:30 Choir Practice
11:00 Morning Worship
Monday 11 April
20:00 Badminton
Tuesday 12 April
19:30 ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ rehearsal
20:00 Worship & Faith Development Team
Wednesday 13 April
13:45 Communications & Publicity Team
20:00 Church & Society
20:00 Queens Road Housegroup
Thursday 14 April
20:00 Children & Youth Work Team
20:00 Finance Team
Friday 15 April
10:00 Trinity Toddlers
10:00 Olive Branch Cafe
19:30 ‘Whistle Down The Wind’ Rehearsal
19:45 Choir Practice
20:00 Friday Fellowship
Saturday 16 April
16:00 Pilots
Sunday 17 April
09:30 Bible with Breakfast
09:30 Choir Practice
11:00 Morning Worship
18:30 Evening worship with Holy Communion