Trinity Angelus (12 July)

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community.

At Trinity:
As our Church & Society group meets on Wednesday evening, pray for wisdom and courage in our church’s response to public issues.

Our Borough:
As “Wimbledon Fortnight” continues, pray for all who are visiting our Borough for the Tennis tournament.

URC Southern Synod & South London Synod Area:
Pray for Kingston URC (minister Revd Lesley Charlton, associate minister Revd Suk In Lee).

The wider United Reformed Church:
Pray for the URC’s Eastern Synod, moderator Revd Paul Whittle and staff.

Campaigns & Events:
Saturday is World Youth Skills Day; pray for all who are working to improve education and training.

World Council of Churches ecumenical prayer cycle:
Pray for Eritrea and Ethiopia.