We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community.
At Trinity:
Pray for our Communications & Publicity Team meeting on Thursday.
Our Borough:
Pray for the Police’s Safer Neighbourhoods Team in Raynes Park ward: Insp Nicholas Milton, Sgt Anthony Steward, PC Lee Spear, PCSO James Cushing.
URC Southern Synod & South London Synod Area:
Pray for St Paul’s URC, South Croydon (Minister Revd Martin Knight)
The wider United Reformed Church:
Pray for the URC’s Mersey Synod, moderator Revd Jacky Embrey and staff.
Campaigns & Events:
Pray for all newly-elected and returning Members of Parliament, and for clarity and grace in negotiations between the parties.
World Council of Churches ecumenical prayer cycle:
Pray for Botswana and Zimbabwe.