We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community.
At Trinity:
Pray for our Finance Team meeting on Thursday evening.
Our Borough:
Pray for the Merton Faith & Belief Forum meeting on Wednesday evening, facilitated by Merton Council officers.
URC Southern Synod & South London Synod Area:
Pray for Southern Synod’s finance team: treasurer John Dennison, finance officer Catherine Kingdom and administrator Simon Harding.
The wider United Reformed Church:
Pray for the URC’s West Midlands Synod, moderator Revd Steve Faber and staff.
Campaigns & Events:
Wednesday is Anti-Slavery Day; pray for victims of human trafficking, and all who are working to combat modern slavery
World Council of Churches ecumenical prayer cycle:
Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico