Trinity Angelus (26 July)

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community.

At Trinity:
This week Trinity is hosting a church youth group from NE Germany led by Pastor Johann Riedel. Give thanks for them, and pray that they have a fruitful and enjoyable time in London.

Our Borough:
Pray for final preparations for next Sunday’s RideLondon cycle event passing through our Borough.

URC Southern Synod & South London Synod Area:
Pray for Purley URC (minister Revd Russell Furley-Smith, Associate Minister Revd Daphne Topple).

The wider United Reformed Church:
Pray for the URC’s Wessex Synod, moderator Revd Clare Downing and staff.

Campaigns & Events:
This is National Parks Week: pray for rangers and all who work to protect and promote the UK’s 15 National Parks.

World Council of Churches ecumenical prayer cycle:
Pray for Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda.