Trinity awarded Eco-Church Bronze

We’re delighted to announce that Trinity has been awarded an Eco-Church Bronze Award by the Christian environmental charity A Rocha UK. The Eco-Church scheme helps churches assess and improve their ‘green’ credentials across five areas of work:

  •           worship & teaching
  •           management of buildings
  •           use of church land
  •           community & global engagement
  •           encouraging an eco-aware lifestyle

You’ll be able to read more about our Eco-Church Bronze Award in next month’s Trinity News, and in the months ahead we’ll be looking to take further steps towards a Silver Award!

The certificate was presented to Mike Tulloch (Mission & Outreach Team Leader) and Alban Thurston (Eco-Church working group colleague) by Revd Nicola Furley-Smith, Moderator of Southern Synod, on Sunday.