URC Service to mark anniversary of Covid-19 outbreak – 21 March

South London Synod Area Service to mark one year since the outbreak of Covid-19 is announced.

None of us were prepared for the way in which our lives would change following the government announcement on the 23 March 2020 that we were in total shutdown. Yet we are a resilient group and almost immediately some of our fellowships were producing Zoom and YouTube services and finding creative ways to keep in touch. It was only as the weeks rolled on into months that we fully realised the change that Covid-19 brought to our lives.

Everyone is invited to a Zoom service of thanksgiving which will be held on Sunday 21 March at 6.30pm.

  • Thanksgiving for the lives of those who sadly died because of Covid-19.
  • Thanksgiving for the skill of the scientists who in less than nine months have produced vaccines to counteract the effect of Covid-19.
  • Thanksgiving for all those employed in the medical profession in its widest role.
  • Thanksgiving for teachers and all the key workers in trades and professions too numerous to mention.

The preacher will be our Moderator Revd Bridget Banks. We will be inviting others to contribute with readings and prayers and perhaps say something about how their lives have been changed by Covid-19.

After the service we will have breakout rooms and spend a little time sharing our experiences with each other . Everyone is welcome.

The Zoom link details will be available soon.