Weekly Intercessions and Worship Resources

Weekly Intercessions and Worship Resources

Dear Friends,

This week’s intercessions have been prepared by the Rev’d Jacky Embrey and can be downloaded here.  The prayers work particularly well with the Old Testament and Gospel passages set for Sunday.  They can be used in public worship, small groups or for personal prayer.  

This week’s worship notes have been prepared by the Rev’d Dr Adam Scott, principal of Northern College and can be found here.  Please remember, we post the worship notes around two months before they are needed so do check there for future Sundays.  

The Worship hub on our denominational website is being expanded all the time with new material to use.  We’re now building up the  Prayers for Church Seasons section here with material loaded up for Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Eastertide.  If you haven’t got these links to hand go to the main website (urc.org.uk) click on Your Faith then Prayer and Worship and you will find the worship hub with a range of resources for you to download and use.  Over the next few weeks we’ll be adding material for Trinity Sunday, Pentecost and Ordinary Time.  Keep checking back and let me know what else you might find helpful.

We’re hoping, very soon, to have a library of music you can download as backing tracks for congregational singing in PowerPoint and Video format but more on that later.

with every good wish as we journey through Lent,


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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