What is Messy Church and how does it work at Trinity?

Messy Church is fast becoming an important part of life at Trinity. It is currently being held 4 times a year in The Mansel Road Centre and is an alternative form of worship for all ages and for the whole community. It is interactive, fun, creative, relaxed and celebratory. You do not need to be a church member or even a church goer to come and join in the fun!

Each Messy Church lasts approximately 2 hours and each session explores a different Bible story or theme.

So what can you expect?

Well firstly, once you arrive you can expect a very warm welcome from our Messy Church team. They will help you to explore our theme through craft, games, art, cutting, sticking and much more!  Make your way round our various activity tables at your own pace. They can be accessed by all ages- don’t be shy to let your creative juices flow and get stuck in!

Secondly (after approx 45 minutes) we have a short worship, story and celebration time. This is informal, interactive and always involves music and song.

Finally, we will invite you to join us to sit down together for a hot meal.

To find our more about Messy Church and it’s values, visit messychurch.org.uk

Let us know you are coming!
As a Messy Church date approaches we will invite you to let us know you are coming by emailing the church office (office@trinitywimbledon.org) or by writing your name on

the sign up sheet in the vestry corridor. It really helps us to know how many people to expect!

Our next Messy Church is on 1 July 2018 4.30pm-6.30pm in The Mansel Road Centre. We will be exploring the story of Joseph and his technicolour Dreamcoat followed by a summer BBQ in
the courtyard!




Put 14 October 2018 in your diary for our autumn Messy Church. Theme to be confirmed.

Come along and bring your friends! We can’t wait to see you!

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