Worship At Home – 17 May

Today’s service explores themes of courage, faithfulness, and a parting promise which Jesus made to his friends. The Bible readings are Joshua 1.1-11, 16-18 and John 14.15-21.

As suggested in the Theme Introduction – why not leave a comment below to tell us about who your heroes are, or the qualities you look for in a hero?

Revd Dominic Grant leads worship. Thanks to Andrew (and the choir!) for our music, Cathy for the Bible readings, Mark for the Prayers of Concern, and Sarah for Junior Church materials.

Please aim, if possible, to start watching the video at 11am so that, even in our separation, we can be sharing together in worship. However if that’s not possible or convenient for you, do make use of the video at whatever time suits! If you would like to follow the text of the service, you can read/download it by clicking here.

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