Our service today will be led live on Zoom by Dr Stephen Tomkins, editor of the URC’s ‘Reform’ magazine.
Stephen is a writer, broadcaster, editor and speaker. His books include seven of religious history, most recently The Journey to the Mayflower published in 2020 by Hodder & Stoughton. He has made numerous appearances as a commentator on UK television and radio. His newspaper and magazine work includes contributions to the Guardian, the BBC, the Wall Street Journal, History Today, the Yorkshire Post and the Church Times.
You can join from wherever you are, online or by telephone. Joining instructions have been sent out to Trinity members who have subscribed to our mailing list.
If you do not receive the details please email churchsecretaries@trinitywimbledon.org for instructions.
Please join the Zoom call between 10.45am and 10.55am ready for an 11.00am start.
The Bible readings will be Mark 1: 9-15 and Psalm 25: 1-9. You can read/download the Order of Service here.
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