Worship at Home – 28 February

Our service today at 11:00 will be led on Zoom by Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, the URC’s Programme Officer for Commitment for Life.

You can join from wherever you are, online or by telephone. Joining instructions have been sent out to Trinity members who have subscribed to our mailing list.   Please email churchsecretaries@trinitywimbledon.org if you have not received them.  Join the Zoom call between 10.45am and 10.55am ready for an 11.00am start.

The Bible reading will be Mark 8: 31-38. You can read/download the Order of Service here.

As in previous years, during Lent Trinity is asking for donations to support the work of the Commitment for Life programme.

You can give online by using the VirginMoneyGiving link here; if you use that, please identify your gift by putting ‘Commitment for Life’ in the message box on the Donate page.

Alternatively, you can send a cheque to the church, c/o the Church Office, Trinity URC, Mansel Rd, SW19 4AA, made payable to ‘Trinity URC Wimbledon’, and marked ‘Commitment for Life’ on the back.  Thank you.