“Worship At Home” for Sunday 29 March

Revd Dominic Grant leads worship as we explore Matthew 25.31-46 and Isaiah 56.1-8. Thanks to Andrew for providing the music, to Sarah for the Junior Church activities, to Tim and Alex for the Bible readings, and to Marie for leading the prayers of concern.

You might like to watch at 11am on Sunday – the time at which we normally gather for worship. But if another time suits you better, then that’s fine of course!

If you’d like to follow the text of the service, you can view it here. NB Marie wrote different prayers for the video, which you can read here.

After you’ve shared in worship, do leave a comment here. What thoughts or discoveries will you take from this service? What three thanksgivings did you come up with? Let’s encourage one another by sharing them!

3 Comments on ““Worship At Home” for Sunday 29 March”

  1. Thanks.
    Sensed I was part of Trinity’s congregation participating in today’s service.
    Appreciated Andrew’s jazzy interpretation of ‘This little light of mine’. Do tell him!

  2. Thank you to everyone who helped to put together and record the service. That’s one of my thanksgivings, another being thanks for people caring for one another.