Worship At Home – Sunday 18 October

Join us at 11:00am for Worship at Home, an online service, led by the Revd Bill Bowman, made up of our own recordings and others in a Youtube playlist.

The Bible readings are Isaiah 45 1-6 and Matthew 22 15-22.  If you would like to follow the text of the service, you can read/download it by clicking here.

With thanks to Bill our visiting preacher; to Grace our Bible reader; to Sarah for our offertory prayer; to Sam for production; and to the Youtube community for our hymns.

Please aim, if possible, to start watching the video at 11am on Sunday so that, even in our separation, we can be sharing together in worship. However if that’s not possible or convenient for you, do make use of the videos at whatever time suits!

If the embedded video above is not working correctly, you can also view the playlist by clicking here. Videos should play automatically one after the other, but if you get out of sync you can find the links in the transcript linked above and on our YouTube channel.