During the 11am Sunday service we provide a crèche for babies and toddlers from 0-3 years, Junior Church for children from 3-13 years and a YP group for teenagers. Children and teenagers will begin the service in church, with a talk from the Minister to introduce the theme, before moving through to the Mansel Road Centre to explore in smaller age-based groups readings and themes from the Bible, using the ROOTS resources of craft activities, drama, games and discussion.
A few times a year, Junior Church takes over church and runs a service. We take a leading role in the Harvest Service and perform a very popular Nativity at Christmas. Many young people also took part in the successful production of ‘Joseph’, acting, dancing and singing superbly.
There are several annual outings and parties that are always highlights in the calendar: the New Year’s Junior Church party, the church summer picnic and the fireworks party at the Manse are all great fun and popular with our children and adults alike.